Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by khronoz - opened
JTC Smart Retrieval org
edited Feb 8

I am writing to apply for a GPU grant in support of my university industry capstone project, which aims to develop a context aware chatbot for retrieving information related to certain documents using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and utilizing state-of-the-art open source language models like Mistral/Llama and other advanced architectures.

This space is used to run the backend API serving the LLM functions for the frontend for development/demo purposes, you can find the frontend here:

The Github Repo:

To unlock its full potential and ensure a seamless user experience, the integration of GPU is crucial. With the power of a GPU, the API can perform at optimal efficiency, providing real-time results to users.

Your support through a GPU grant would greatly accelerate the development and refinement of the chatbot, I eagerly look forward to the possibility of partnering with your organization and appreciate your consideration of my application.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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