Finetuning colab

by praff1234 - opened

Hi, could you please provide a colab guide on how to finetune this model ?

Finetuning examples can be found in

Support for colab finetuning will most likely not happening. The model won't fit the VRAM for training with a reasonable batch size.

dxli changed discussion status to closed

Sorry, this is extremely confusing and useless

@dxli could you possibly provide the total amount of VRAM necessary to attempt a fine-tune?
Thank you very much for your time.

any update?

Do you have a huggingface - pytorch implementation of this ?


Could we please get some proper guidance on fine tuning this model? There are many use cases for it. Is training it possible with the HuggingFace Trainer for example?
The provided finetuning examples are not helpful.

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