Translator not translating

by cobro - opened

I am trying to get English subtitles for an interview that's in Ukrainian. When I select English (or any other language for that matter) and run it, it pops out the same transcription in Ukrainian, so nothing was translated. It may be important to note that I started the process by selecting Ukrainian translation simply to have the original transcript. It also may be important to note that some English was in the original transcript, since the questions were asked in English in the video.
If you could help me on this, that would be great!

It seems that there has been quite a lot of demand for this demo and it is now over my set limite for translation.
I get only 500k free characters translated from the deepL api per month and all of those seem to be used.
It will refresh on 5th of every month.
I might develop this further some day to have more translation models in the app so if I am out of credits you would still get some translations but this app does not currently have such functionality.
Other development idea is to use language specific finetuned whisper models instead of the general models to increase accuracy but I don't currently have much time to develop this further.
One other thing I have planned to implement is to reduce the translation amount per video as this is just a demo and I would want to have many people the opportunity to use this but some people have used the translation for quite long videos and used much of the 500k tokens in one video translation.

RASMUS changed discussion status to closed

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