Allow large whisper model?

by saattrupdan - opened

The large whisper model is performing substantially better than the other sizes. It’s a lot slower, sure, but it would nice to have the option 😊

I will add it.
I will also slowly try to add some better finetuned models in each language from this list:
I will need to convert those models to @ggerganov implementation. Not sure whether my conversion works yet from hf models but this seems promising
There is for example Danish medium model with 13.71 WER on CV11 compared to 14.4 with Whisper-large-v2 on CV9 from the paper

Large model added

Great, thanks!

As a potential alternative to the Whisper models, there are more light-weight ones that perform (at least) as good. In Danish we for instance have this Wav2Vec2 model, which achieves a WER of 10.8% without a language model:

saattrupdan changed discussion status to closed

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