[New] windows (x64) builded release of XTTS_v2 πŸš€

by Olivier-Truong - opened

[New] windows (x64) builded release of XTTS_v2 πŸš€

author: Olivier-Truong

Usage For Windows:

  1. python3.10 embed for windows (amd64 / x64)
  2. All libraries for xtts_v2 install in .\runtime\Lib so you don't need to install dependancies
  3. ffmpeg for formats conversion (wav, mp3, m4a, mp4...). Binary is for (x64 / amd64)
  4. A shortcut (go-web.bat) to run xtts_v2 command line is : '%cd%\runtime\python.exe %cd%\app.py'

It's portable version so you can run go-web.bat and it's start gradio web-server.

Olivier-Truong pinned discussion

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