You are a fraud and have no respect for the original author

by ngoctuanai3 - opened

You are a fraud and have no respect for the original author

Niansuh AI org

you can check on github original author on my profile thanks i repect all authors you change the harry-zklcdc author namw to own hahahah

Niansuh changed discussion status to closed

you are a blatant thief

Niansuh AI org

@victor this user making fake reports i want to block this user

you can check on github original author on my profile thanks i repect all authors you change the harry-zklcdc author namw to own hahahah

I've updated my GitHub to credit Harry-zklcdc as the original author! Initially, I used it for personal purposes only, but after many people discovered the project and Harry-zklcdc reminded me, I apologized and added the original author.

@victor this user making fake reports i want to block this user

I request to delete the account of the person impersonating me @ngoctuanai3

Niansuh AI org

@ngoctuanai what happen with bingo api for some time work good after 1 to 2 messages show error I try you repo same issue

bing limits each IP to 100 chats (if not logged in)

Niansuh AI org
Niansuh AI org

i check other platforms its happen only in huggingface may be hf IP didt not access api

huggingface blocked bing when it detected an anomaly

and bing limits each IP to 100 chats (if not logged in)

I think you should not use bingo to make an api

Niansuh AI org

okay thanks brother

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