Apply for community grant: Personal project

by Manjushri - opened

Stable Diffusion 2.0 Inpainting. Currently running on CPU. Any chance we can get this space an community granted upgrade?

Still only 1 of 2 running this... And I was the first to have it up... Can we get an upgrade for the community?


You can request a GPU by sharing it on the #making-demos channel in the Discord group. For community projects, please request a GPU.
My Projects:

I was requesting a GPU... Though 2nd tier CPU (8 cores) would easily double the speed. I can request in the way that I already have.

Can you please make a colab version of this? or guide me how can i do it

Sure. Check back on my GitHub link in my profile later today or tomorrow. I was just thinking of getting the rest of my Colab notebooks up there.

Manjushri changed discussion status to closed

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