Apply for community grant: Personal project

by Manjushri - opened

Stable Diffusion 2.0 Img2Img. Currently running on CPU. Any chance we can get this space an community granted upgrade? No one else has this running.

Upgraded to 2.1.... Still would like that grant. A T4 or just 8x CPU would make this space go from Awesome to Amazingly Awesome. We all know the official demo is backed up solid with queues...

Hey there! Cool demo! There are a couple of existing image-to-image demos up on the Hub, such as that are free for anyone to use. Does this space have something different?

Yes, it is using SD 2.1. It also has more control.

After checking the 30 spaces running 2.1, only 1 other has img2img running, which was cloned a few times. The Webui running Anything 3.0 and Automatic111, completely different, both in the code used, and how he goes about it. Mine is unique, I wrote every line myself using the Diffusers official examples. Mine was 1st to have SD 2.1 going. I was the 2nd to have SD 2.0 running. StabilityAI being first, of course.

Note I asked for the Grant 13 days ago, as well.
I literally mentioned it was the only one, 13 days ago... Again, There were no other 2.0 or 2.1 img2img spaces running at that time... I only reasked 2 days ago, I had the space running the day after 2.1 release, which was the first space to be Running it. Long before the one other and its clones. The other space running SD 2.0 (now 2.1 ) img2img asked 8 days ago... 5 days after me....


Manjushri changed discussion status to closed
Manjushri changed discussion status to open

@akhaliq Hey, did my help on your SD 2.0 CPU spaces work out for you?


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