Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by Manjushri - opened

This Novel use of SDXL 1.0 Refiner is unique, and due to the necessity to render 50-100 iterations to really make it shine, it requires a T4 GPU. I would love to enhance this demo. Thanks!

the code is not working

the code is not working

It is 100% working. I have no idea why you would say this. Also don't use this thread, start a new one... It is Rude to complain on my grant request thread


Working Great, in Fact.



Could you please share the code which i can run on google collab, I got an error while running it


Ser here i am not using gradio, so how should i use the doodle as image and pass it into infer

Install gradio. I can add it to the requirements.txt if you really want. However, don't tell me my code doesn't work because you failed to install the requirements or dependencies, that is Your Code not work, Not Mine. And again, start a New Thread. Quit commenting here. It is Rude

I have updated requirements.txt to include gradio... So you can be lazy and just copy my repository. Again, don't blame me for your laziness next time. Or I'm not going to help you.

Sir, Please don't mistake me , I am not a pro coder like you . Please don't throw the words

If you use the code I just updated, it will run in collab now. You just need to !pip install requirements.txt

Manjushri changed discussion status to closed

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