Amazing work with Langflow!!! Any plans to leverage Langchain OpenAPI Toolkit here?

by Bartbot - opened

Hey Otavio, Lucas, Gabriel, and Logspace team,

First of all, amazing work with Langflow! Would you accept contributions on your GH project to include additional tools, toolkits and LLM's into the Langflow UI? I am most interested in a few tools, including the NLA Zapier integration in Langchain and OpenAPI Toolkit.

Zapier NLA Toolkit + Wrapper

OpenAPI Agent with Langchain (Toolkit)

Hey! Thanks!

Absolutely. We are reworking some of the graph processing but the Tools that require files or inputs are something we are working on this week.

We already have a working version for using custom tools but we might focus on the OpenAPI Agent as a priority.

could you please post a demo of using openAPI Agent?

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