Runtime error
Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.dist import all_gather
from mmengine.model import ExponentialMovingAverage
from mmpretrain.registry import MODELS
from mmpretrain.structures import DataSample
from ..utils import batch_shuffle_ddp, batch_unshuffle_ddp
from .base import BaseSelfSupervisor
class DenseCL(BaseSelfSupervisor):
Implementation of `Dense Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Visual
Pre-Training <>`_.
Borrowed from the authors' code: `<>`_.
The loss_lambda warmup is in `engine/hooks/`.
backbone (dict): Config dict for module of backbone.
neck (dict): Config dict for module of deep features to compact
feature vectors.
head (dict): Config dict for module of head functions.
queue_len (int): Number of negative keys maintained in the queue.
Defaults to 65536.
feat_dim (int): Dimension of compact feature vectors. Defaults to 128.
momentum (float): Momentum coefficient for the momentum-updated
encoder. Defaults to 0.999.
loss_lambda (float): Loss weight for the single and dense contrastive
loss. Defaults to 0.5.
pretrained (str, optional): The pretrained checkpoint path, support
local path and remote path. Defaults to None.
data_preprocessor (dict, optional): The config for preprocessing
input data. If None or no specified type, it will use
"SelfSupDataPreprocessor" as type.
See :class:`SelfSupDataPreprocessor` for more details.
Defaults to None.
init_cfg (Union[List[dict], dict], optional): Config dict for weight
initialization. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self,
backbone: dict,
neck: dict,
head: dict,
queue_len: int = 65536,
feat_dim: int = 128,
momentum: float = 0.001,
loss_lambda: float = 0.5,
pretrained: Optional[str] = None,
data_preprocessor: Optional[dict] = None,
init_cfg: Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]] = None) -> None:
# create momentum model
self.encoder_k = ExponentialMovingAverage(
nn.Sequential(self.backbone, self.neck), momentum)
self.queue_len = queue_len
self.loss_lambda = loss_lambda
# create the queue
self.register_buffer('queue', torch.randn(feat_dim, queue_len))
self.queue = nn.functional.normalize(self.queue, dim=0)
self.register_buffer('queue_ptr', torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long))
# create the second queue for dense output
self.register_buffer('queue2', torch.randn(feat_dim, queue_len))
self.queue2 = nn.functional.normalize(self.queue2, dim=0)
self.register_buffer('queue2_ptr', torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long))
def _dequeue_and_enqueue(self, keys: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update queue."""
# gather keys before updating queue
keys =, dim=0)
batch_size = keys.shape[0]
ptr = int(self.queue_ptr)
assert self.queue_len % batch_size == 0 # for simplicity
# replace the keys at ptr (dequeue and enqueue)
self.queue[:, ptr:ptr + batch_size] = keys.transpose(0, 1)
ptr = (ptr + batch_size) % self.queue_len # move pointer
self.queue_ptr[0] = ptr
def _dequeue_and_enqueue2(self, keys: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update queue2."""
# gather keys before updating queue
keys =, dim=0)
batch_size = keys.shape[0]
ptr = int(self.queue2_ptr)
assert self.queue_len % batch_size == 0 # for simplicity
# replace the keys at ptr (dequeue and enqueue)
self.queue2[:, ptr:ptr + batch_size] = keys.transpose(0, 1)
ptr = (ptr + batch_size) % self.queue_len # move pointer
self.queue2_ptr[0] = ptr
def loss(self, inputs: List[torch.Tensor], data_samples: List[DataSample],
**kwargs) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""The forward function in training.
inputs (List[torch.Tensor]): The input images.
data_samples (List[DataSample]): All elements required
during the forward function.
Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components.
assert isinstance(inputs, list)
im_q = inputs[0]
im_k = inputs[1]
# compute query features
q_b = self.backbone(im_q) # backbone features
q, q_grid, q2 = self.neck(q_b) # queries: NxC; NxCxS^2
q_b = q_b[0]
q_b = q_b.view(q_b.size(0), q_b.size(1), -1)
q = nn.functional.normalize(q, dim=1)
q2 = nn.functional.normalize(q2, dim=1)
q_grid = nn.functional.normalize(q_grid, dim=1)
q_b = nn.functional.normalize(q_b, dim=1)
# compute key features
with torch.no_grad(): # no gradient to keys
# update the key encoder
nn.Sequential(self.backbone, self.neck))
# shuffle for making use of BN
im_k, idx_unshuffle = batch_shuffle_ddp(im_k)
k_b = self.encoder_k.module[0](im_k) # backbone features
k, k_grid, k2 = self.encoder_k.module[1](k_b) # keys: NxC; NxCxS^2
k_b = k_b[0]
k_b = k_b.view(k_b.size(0), k_b.size(1), -1)
k = nn.functional.normalize(k, dim=1)
k2 = nn.functional.normalize(k2, dim=1)
k_grid = nn.functional.normalize(k_grid, dim=1)
k_b = nn.functional.normalize(k_b, dim=1)
# undo shuffle
k = batch_unshuffle_ddp(k, idx_unshuffle)
k2 = batch_unshuffle_ddp(k2, idx_unshuffle)
k_grid = batch_unshuffle_ddp(k_grid, idx_unshuffle)
k_b = batch_unshuffle_ddp(k_b, idx_unshuffle)
# compute logits
# Einstein sum is more intuitive
# positive logits: Nx1
l_pos = torch.einsum('nc,nc->n', [q, k]).unsqueeze(-1)
# negative logits: NxK
l_neg = torch.einsum('nc,ck->nk', [q, self.queue.clone().detach()])
# feat point set sim
backbone_sim_matrix = torch.matmul(q_b.permute(0, 2, 1), k_b)
densecl_sim_ind = backbone_sim_matrix.max(dim=2)[1] # NxS^2
indexed_k_grid = torch.gather(k_grid, 2,
-1, k_grid.size(1), -1)) # NxCxS^2
densecl_sim_q = (q_grid * indexed_k_grid).sum(1) # NxS^2
# dense positive logits: NS^2X1
l_pos_dense = densecl_sim_q.view(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
q_grid = q_grid.permute(0, 2, 1)
q_grid = q_grid.reshape(-1, q_grid.size(2))
# dense negative logits: NS^2xK
l_neg_dense = torch.einsum(
'nc,ck->nk', [q_grid, self.queue2.clone().detach()])
loss_single = self.head.loss(l_pos, l_neg)
loss_dense = self.head.loss(l_pos_dense, l_neg_dense)
losses = dict()
losses['loss_single'] = loss_single * (1 - self.loss_lambda)
losses['loss_dense'] = loss_dense * self.loss_lambda
return losses