/s at the end of every sentence/response.

by Saionton - opened

It always says "/s" at the end of any sentence/response, I don't know why.

well, there is one solution but is slows down response time to 5 times and also that require GPU. So, please just ignore it.

KingNish pinned discussion

Oh so, this isn't a coding problem?

Oh and by the way, what model does it use? I'm just curious.

The problem is because it was running on interference API serverless, I can try changing it to other model likes phi3 and it does not giving any error, In future thinking of giving option to user to select user.

Well, currently i am using.

Thank you for your response, also, I recommend you make the Ai's voice more realistic (if you can). You can try Eleven labs.

KingNish changed discussion status to closed
KingNish unpinned discussion

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