GPEN-Inpainting-1024 & GPEN-BFR-2048 for selfies

by trysem - opened

add both of these if possible, with this or as a separate space


KenjieDec changed discussion status to closed

a basic original GPEN github repo, it says that GPEN-BFR-2048 is taken down due to commercial issues, then how did you achieve this selfie?
also inpainting is not working properly....

Inpainting is now ( kind of ) working. Not perfect. Try using 1024 x 1024 picture if it fails.

KenjieDec changed discussion status to open

thanks man... thanks for accepting my request..
i have some suggestions too...
can you do these spaces? with 1024 outs atleast?
2.time travel rephotography
thanks mahnn...

hi, the author has updated GPEN-BFR-1024 and GPEN-BFR-2048 what does it do and how does it attach to the tool, thanks

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