Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu and storage)

by Kathirsci - opened

Project Overview:
Our project aims to develop a state-of-the-art document summarization platform leveraging advanced AI models and large-scale language models (LLMs). The platform will be designed to process and summarize extensive reports, making it an invaluable tool for researchers, analysts, and professionals who need to quickly distill key insights from large documents.

Why We Need GPU and Storage Support:
To achieve our goals, we require significant computational resources and storage capacity. Specifically:

GPU Resources:

Model Training & Inference: Our platform will use transformer-based models, which are computationally intensive. GPU acceleration is crucial for training these models efficiently and for real-time inference during the summarization process.
Fine-Tuning and Customization: We plan to fine-tune models on domain-specific datasets to enhance accuracy and relevance. This process is GPU-intensive and would benefit from high-performance hardware to reduce training time and improve model performance.
Storage Requirements:

Dataset Storage: We will be working with large datasets for training and evaluation, including specialized corpora and user-uploaded documents. Ample storage is necessary to accommodate these datasets without compromising on speed or accessibility.
Model Storage: Hosting multiple versions of fine-tuned models requires significant storage. We aim to offer various model options tailored to different domains and languages, necessitating a scalable storage solution.
Impact and Community Benefit:
By providing us with GPU and storage support, you will enable the development of a tool that empowers users across industries to gain faster insights from complex documents. This will not only save time but also improve decision-making processes. Our project will be open-source, allowing the broader AI and developer community to benefit from our advancements and potentially contribute to further improvements.

Your support will be instrumental in helping us overcome the technical challenges associated with running and optimizing large-scale AI models. We are committed to making a meaningful contribution to the Hugging Face community and the wider AI ecosystem.

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