Allow Repo to be gated

by xi0v - opened

Can you add a feature to allow the converted repo to be gated?

Here is the explanation from the hf API docs:
"gated (Literal["auto", "manual", False], optional) — The gated status for the repository. If set to None (default), the gated setting of the repository won’t be updated.
“auto”: The repository is gated, and access requests are automatically approved or denied based on predefined criteria.
“manual”: The repository is gated, and access requests require manual approval.
False : The repository is not gated, and anyone can access it."

tbh im more interested in the manual part, but it's up to you!
(Note: it should error out and give an alert if both private and gated is enabled in the space when converting models)

Hi. I've added it. I forked it here because I was worried about the various renewals.😅

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