Website Screenshot to HTML/CSS Recreation Issue

by Csplk - opened


Issue Summary:
I have been attempting to convert IDEFICS website screenshots into HTML/CSS code to recreate the website's visual appearance as a functioning approximation. However, I've encountered some issues with the process, and I'd like to report them for resolution.

Environment (if applicable):

  • Operating System: iOS 16.6.1
  • Browser/Tool Version: safari

hi thanks for reporting,
is there any more information you can share for us to reproduce?
for instance the inputs (image and texts) would be very helpful

Of course. Noticed it awhile back when trying to get it to respond with html code type prompts which would cause

Recently tried to do it again to see if it was a anomalous issue.

Uploaded image:


Initial prompt

Describe the layout and design of the web page extremely thoroughly including all the words or titles in the screenshot like you are writing you would write a technical design document to have built by another web developer. Dont forget any words or text 


Then would do

instead of outputting the description write the HTML structure and CSS styles you would  code to recreate the sites html file

Got similar issue to first time in attached video so updated prompt to

instead of outputting the description write the HTML structure and CSS styles you would  code to recreate the sites html file and make sure to wrap the code in a markdown codeblock so it shows up as html not rendered into the page. 

Which worked for the first reply or two then eventually would start to show signs of not enclosing the html in a codeblock if partial finished response etc.

thanks for the details, i am able to reproduce indeed the weird behavior you are showing in the video.
I think it's related to outputting HTML in a text bubble. it seems like the HTML will only show up once the generation is done which might take a 20 seconds depending on the length. @ysharma could you confirm this assessment? is there anything we can do to improve that experience?

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