GSM8K failure with Llama 3 finetunes

by jeiku - opened

I have noticed a large number of GSM8K failures with Llama 3 finetunes and was wondering if HF has any plans to address this issue? I suspect it may be due to model uploaders modifying the tokenizer_config.json for GGUF/EXL2 quantization. I have uploaded a model which has not been altered to test this theory. I would love to hear what someone with more experience has to say.

Hugging Face H4 org

hi ! can you link the request of the model you submitted ? it will make it easier to check the logs and pinpoint the issue :)

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but both of these failed GSM8K even though a prior model from the same lineage passed. I have also seen this issue with other creators. It may be unrelated but I am also having an issue with models disappearing from the leaderboard. I track their progress through eval, but they never post to the leaderboard.

Hugging Face H4 org

Hi @jeiku !
I believe it could be helpful for you to take a look at the FAQ (in the FAQ tab of the leaderboard). We explain there how to find request files, why some models don't appear on the leaderboard, etc.

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