duplicated models in leaderboard

by leejunhyeok - opened

There are some "duplicated" models in leaderboard, and system does not seem to capture them.

  • duplicated means, model with same name
  • tensor value , etc is not considered

is this real duplication? or just error of the system?
thanks for your kindness

same model with different precisions? fp16 bf16 int8 int4 gptq...

@JosephusCheung Thank you for your sharing. really helped.
however, I think one model should be shown once, not shown for every possible precisions.
I wonder how admins think

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi @leejunhyeok ,

As indicated in our FAQ (in the About tab) of the leaderboard, some models appear several times because we evaluated them in different precision.

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

I think that rule should be modified @clefourrier , as some submitters could mess up leaderboard!

  • if model is trained with different precisions and parameters are different, that is fine and good to go
    • in this case, model version will be different and their effort should be respected
  • if model is trained with one precision and multiple submission of different precision is done, that is not fine.
    • in this case, only one(probably the best) submission should be shown


leejunhyeok changed discussion status to open

You are talking nonsense, a model can be eval with different precisions, with not pre-quantized weight and pre-quantized GPTQ, no matter how it was trained. This should not be a problem.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi @leejunhyeok ,

Thanks a lot for your interest!
We convert the weight precision on the fly during the evaluation (as would people wanting to use a given model at a lower precision would do). We think it's important for the community to know if a model is still performing well at a lower precision than the one it was trained on, so we'll keep the feature.

Closing this issue.

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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