Scrollbar in Leaderbord malfunctions when scrolling to the far right

by ThiloteE - opened

On my screen, there is barely enough space to show all columns of the leaderboard.

If I want to sort the DROP column (clicking the little arrow), I have to remove one of the other columns from the leaderboard, as the scrollbar does not allow me to scroll to the far right side. If I do so, and as soon as I stop the click, the values beneath the title of the column will "jump" to the left. Also, the row with the titles will slightly jump to the left too (not as much), enough to not show the arrow of the DROP column, which I would need to click for the column to sort.

I wish it were possible to shrink the size of columns manually, or alternatively fix the scrollbar behaviour.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

We're aware that this is a problem, we've opened an issue about it on the Gradio github. Your suggestion to shrink column sizes is a good one, I'll add it to my current refactorization, thank you!

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Should be good, feel free to reopen if needed :)

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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