use api key in interface.load to avoid 429 error frequently

by akhaliq HF staff - opened
Gradio-Blocks-Party org

Hi, api key can be passed as a parameter to interface.load, see, also remember to use secrets in settings to not expose your api key

Gradio-Blocks-Party org

also since the is public anyone using the demo will count against api usage

Gradio-Blocks-Party org

Anyway work-around for that? Also is couldn't find how to use secrets in settings to not expose api.

muhtasham changed discussion status to closed
muhtasham changed discussion status to open
Gradio-Blocks-Party org

In spaces no need to set an API key for now, they have a custom API so you can leave this without having an API key.

Gradio-Blocks-Party org

But doesn’t that results in 429 error? Many people reached out that they have 429 error while playing around

Gradio-Blocks-Party org

Would be really cool if no API key is required.

muhtasham changed discussion status to closed

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