error while using the API for PLLava.

by SpOoKyJaRvIs - opened

from gradio_client import Client

client = Client("DiscloseAI/pllava-7b-demo")
result = client.predict(
system="You are Pllava, a large vision-language assistant. You are able to understand the video content that the user provides, and assist the user with a variety of tasks using natural language.Follow the instructions carefully and explain your answers in detail based on the provided video.",

gives a error :

AppError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 4>()
3 client = Client("DiscloseAI/pllava-7b-demo")
----> 4 result = client.predict(
5 user_message="Hello!!",
6 chatbot=[],

6 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio_client/ in _predict(*data)
1221 if "error" in result:
1222 if result["error"] is None:
-> 1223 raise AppError(
1224 "The upstream Gradio app has raised an exception but has not enabled "
1225 "verbose error reporting. To enable, set show_error=True in launch()."

AppError: The upstream Gradio app has raised an exception but has not enabled verbose error reporting. To enable, set show_error=True in launch().

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