DeepFloyd IF: Blooper or Failed to create.

by AIuser2023 - opened

Despite many attempts, there was no result.

Prompt: A giant shark biting on a boat, hyper realistic


Upscaled Image

I thought I would be able to help until I made the shark into a life preserver somehow.


Pretty funny, but I don't see how the prompt can fail this badly.
P: hyper realistic, giant shark biting boat
Neg: blurry

Done a good job, At least better then mine, :) :D
Please you can try to generate a Scorpion. I have failed in few AI T2I.

You should be able to at least generate that with the site. What is AI T21?

Sorry, That's a short form of text 2 image generally known as T2I.

I mean failed on few text to image generation sites.
Thank you

Maximum time any AI text to image generation can't under stand 'Scorpion'. It produce others from the family. Here is one from DeepFloyed

Prompt : a giant scorpion, glowing in darik, neon glow, hyper realistic, highly detailed, high contrast

Upscaled Image

Okay now
prompt: A large black scorpion with its stinger, glowing in the darkness, neon glow, hyper realistic, highly detailed, high contrast

Upscaled Image

I think it has a leg counting problem, but I guess it makes sense since they taught it to draw, not to count. Nice scorpion pictures though mine kept coming out bad.


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