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Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. But insiders say the road from “kids only" to “adults welcome" was a long, uphill climb.

B. AFOLs are also organizing unofficial Lego fan conventions and networking in online user groups.

C. Gone are the days when labels on Lego boxes stated that the contents were appropriate only for boys ages 7 to 12.

D. Attitudes began to shift in the late 1990s and early 2000s when the once-invulnerable toymaker started to struggle.

E. AFOLs were having a dramatic impact on Lego's bottom line years before the company recognized their value.

F. "Before the late 1990s, the company didn't think their adult fans had value," says Smith-Meyer, who held a variety of senior posts at Lego from 2000 to 2014.

The inside story of how a "band of misfits" saved Lego

When executives at toymaker Lego first learned that adults were buying large quantities of their interlocking plastic bricks and getting together to build Lego creations of their own, "they thought it was very strange," says Paal Smith-Meyer.

67"Leadership actually thought 'adults' were taking away from the brand."

Thanks to a handful of employees who worked to change attitudes inside the company, Lego is no longer embarrassed by its adult fans. 68 The bygone slogans "Just Imagine.. " and "Play On" have been overshadowed by Lego's newest marketing motto: “Adults Welcome. Even superstar athletes and entertainers like Ed Sheeran, Dwight Howard, and David Beckham boast openly about their affection for Lego building sets.

Today Lego is the world's largest and most profitable toymaker. The Lego brick was named "Toy of the Century in 1999, and in 2014 Time magazine crowned it the “Most Influential Toy of All Time",

ahead of Barbie, G.I. Joe, and the Easy Bake Oven.

The enthusiasm and buying power of Adult Fans of Lego - or AFOLs, as they're known in the industry - played a major role in the company's rise to the top. 69

Lego founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen always knew he wanted to market his products exclusively to kids. As the company grew over its first six decades, few imagined that its products culd appeal as much to adults as to children. 70 Two decades ago, when Lego began making licensed sets inspired by hit movies like Star Wars and Harry Potter, it was adult fans who snatched up most of the merchandise.
Despite the benefits AFOLs brought to the brand, executives at the company's corporate offices in Billund, Denmark had little interest in catering to adult customers. As fan mail and product ideas poured in from AFOLs around the world, the company posted its off-putting position: “We don't accept unsolicited ideas."

"Adult fans were often seen as a source of irritation," says Jake McKee, a Lego executive from 2000 to 2006 who oversaw the company's Global Community Development team.

现在请你给出67 68 69 70各处对应的正确选项
🤖: 67. F
68. C
69. E
70. D
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  1. F

  2. C

  3. E

  4. D
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  5. But insiders say the road from "kids only" to "adults welcome" was a long, uphill climb.

  6. "Before the late 1990s, the company didn't think their adult fans had value," says Smith-Meyer, who held a variety of senior posts at Lego from 2000 to 2014.

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