parameters need to change if run one GPU

by greagain - opened

I like the idea of running GGUF models, could you please give the changes needed to run the code on GPU? I think need to change the: CMAKE_ARGS? Also, if I already have the GGUF model downloaded and want to run this on my local computer, how should I change the code? I think I just change the: model_path=model_name?

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Cran-May changed discussion status to closed
Cran-May changed discussion status to open
will be a reference page
Attention the section "Installation with Hardware Acceleration", maybe you need to install some dependency(some tools for cuda?I guess.) first.
On local computer, some interesting projects may benefit a lot.
is a good idea. Since I haven’t tested it, maybe you’ll find better tools on GitHub.
Most important thing is that you can download the model and use it(change this part).
model = Llama(
Model_name should be replaced, or
model_name= "./example/7B/just-example-yes-model.gguf"
And, delete some codes about snapshot_download.

Since English is just my second language, I may not express myself clearly enough. I hope the above is helpful to you.
以下是TheBloke的量化版本,我推荐“ openbuddy-zephyr-7b-v14.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”

Thanks a lot 👍I did try oobabooga text-generation-webui, it's too AIO for me.

greagain changed discussion status to closed

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