Including on extra column options will hide some submission results...

by zhiminy - opened

For example, if we check on Type, Architecture, Precision, and #Params (B), then models such as anthropic/claude-2.0 and openai/gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 suddenly vanish from nowhere...
This is what it looks like before checking those options:
This is what it looks like after checking those options:

Even if we deselect those options afterward, these vanished submission records still fail to show up as the original state. They are gone completely...

zhiminy changed discussion title from Clicking on extra options will hide some submission results... to Clicking on extra column options will hide some submission results...
zhiminy changed discussion title from Clicking on extra column options will hide some submission results... to Including on extra column options will hide some submission results...
Secure Learning Lab org

Thanks for your interest. This seems to be the problem with model metadata and the filtering function. We will look into it after ICML deadline.

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