update css - simplify + add full width leaderboard

by clefourrier HF staff - opened
Secure Learning Lab org
No description provided.
danielz01 changed pull request status to merged
Secure Learning Lab org

Thanks for the help!

Secure Learning Lab org

It seems that we still can't fully display the column names.

Secure Learning Lab org

I'm unsure why! Could you add me to the space so I can try debugging it locally on my machine?

Secure Learning Lab org
edited Jan 18

Thanks!! I played with the css a bit but it's not working. Should I add you to our organization? I didn't see an option to add people to this HF space.

Secure Learning Lab org

Yes please, you can remove me afterwards if needed :)

Secure Learning Lab org
edited Jan 19

Thank you! We just added you.

Secure Learning Lab org

I found that adjusting the column_widths argument in gr.components.Dataframe helped with the column width distribution, instead of the css.

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