Grouping the entities in deployed model to azure.

by ralleslind - opened

Hi there. I just deployed this model to Azure ML and i am having some trouble figuring out how i get the grouped entities back from the endpoint. I looked at the swagger documentation, but to no luck. Currently the payload i get back from the endpoint is for example:

"index": 1
"word": "Københavns"

i was wondering if it is possible to request the endpoint and get back the grouped entities?

Found out that if you add the following:

"inputs": [
"Københavns Universitetet",
"other entities..."
"parameters": {
"aggregation_strategy": "first"

it will group the entities :D

ralleslind changed discussion status to closed

@ralleslind That's exactly right! That's also the way it's written in the Quick start in the model card :)

EDIT: Ah, I noticed that you're talking about AzureML, my bad. But glad you found a way to make it work!

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