Edit model card

This is the official repository for MotionDirector weights. Code and details are at: https://github.com/showlab/MotionDirector.git

Clone the repo as follows:

git lfs clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch main https://huggingface.co/ruizhaocv/MotionDirector_weights.git ./outputs

After installing dependencies, run the following command to generate a.mp4 video:


eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate motiondirector

PROMPT="A lion is running past the pyramids."
python MotionDirector_inference.py \
    --model $MODEL_PATH  \
    --prompt "$PROMPT" \
    --checkpoint_folder ./outputs/train/car_16/ \
    --checkpoint_index 150 \
    --noise_prior 0.5 \
    --seed 431554 | tee ./local_log.log

The generated .mp4 is then stored under the inference directory.

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Unable to determine this model's library. Check the docs .