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This is the quantized gguf version for inference. If you want the unquantized version for merging and training please reffer to the repo bellow:


This model is a TIES merger of Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 and bagel-dpo-8x7b-v0.2 with MixtralOrochi8x7B being the Base model.

I was very impressed with MixtralOrochi8x7B performance and multifaceted usecases as it is already a merger of many usefull Mixtral models such as Mixtral instruct, Noromaid-v0.1-mixtral, openbuddy-mixtral and possibly other models that were not named. My goal was to expand the models capabilities and make it even more useful of a model, maybe even competitive with closed source models like Gpt-4. But for that more testing is required. I hope the community can help me determine if its deserving of its name. 😊

This is the second iteration of this model, using better models in the merger to improve performance (hopefully).

Base model:

Merged models:

Instruct template: Alpaca

Merger config:

  - model: Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1
      density: .5
      weight: 1
  - model: bagel-dpo-8x7b-v0.2
      density: .5
      weight: .7

merge_method: ties
base_model: MixtralOrochi8x7B
  normalize: true
  int8_mask: true
dtype: float16

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