Add spectrogram to mp3 in huggingface space

by oxysoft - opened

Hi, I know we can test at but the servers are completely in ruin and don't return anything for any prompt I enter. On the other hand I can get a spectrogram very easily and quickly here on this space. Surely we can add this directly in the space and display the mp3 with gradio?

edit: Sorry, I just realized the inference API and spaces are different things

For the impatient ones, simply run this script:

Copy and paste the image from the huggingface and convert it into wav adding this to the script above:

def write_bytesio_to_file(filename, bytesio):
Write the contents of the given BytesIO to a file.
Creates the file or overwrites the file if it does
not exist yet.
with open(filename, "wb") as outfile:
# Copy the BytesIO stream to the output file

img ="9b1d3101-81d6-49d2-9de9-62ce7a2e5be3.jpg")
wav = wav_bytes_from_spectrogram_image(img)
write_bytesio_to_file("some_path/music.wav", wav[0])

Riffusion org

Efforts are underway to release a simple interface to help with this process! Thanks for the short term solution fermg

sethforsgren changed discussion status to closed

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