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xs_blenderbot_onnx (only 168 mb)

onnx quantized version of facebook/blenderbot_small-90M model (350 mb)

Faster cpu inference


Before usage:

• download blender_model.py script from files in this repo

• pip install onnxruntime

you can use the model with huggingface generate function with its all parameters


With text generation pipeline

>>>from blender_model import TextGenerationPipeline

>>>max_answer_length = 100
>>>response_generator_pipe = TextGenerationPipeline(max_length=max_answer_length)
>>>utterance = "Hello, how are you?"
i am well. how are you? what do you like to do in your free time?

Or you can call the model

>>>from blender_model import OnnxBlender
>>>from transformers import BlenderbotSmallTokenizer
>>>original_repo_id = "facebook/blenderbot_small-90M"
>>>repo_id = "remzicam/xs_blenderbot_onnx"
>>>model_file_names = [
>>>model=OnnxBlender(original_repo_id, repo_id, model_file_names)
>>>utterance = "Hello, how are you?"
>>>inputs = tokenizer(utterance,
>>>outputs= model.generate(**inputs,
>>>response = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0],
                        skip_special_tokens = True)
i am well. how are you? what do you like to do in your free time?


To create the model, I adopted codes from https://github.com/siddharth-sharma7/fast-Bart repository.

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