This is the one of the best mixtral models for rp so far.

by Ks01 - opened

I can't remember all the mixtral variants that I tested for rp.
But this model did perform so good. Not the BagelMisteryTour, BagelMisteryTour rpcal is.
Original BagelMisteryTour 6.0bpws exl2 had problem that didn't perform well on heavy system prompt.

I have no idea what magic happened while it gets rpcal, but it made improvement on following instruction, distinguish characters and role-playing. I really like this model.

+1 to what Ks01 said. This definitely pays attention to RP cues a LOT better than other models. Mixtral is already strong on context and attention to detail, but there's something about this one that is special. Quantizing with the RP dataset is a stroke of genius, honestly, as it clearly keeps more of the nuance of things important to RP despite being much smaller than the original. Bravo!!!

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