How do you run this please??

by AntDX316 - opened

It keeps saying I don't have the right python version but I have 3.11 and AI is saying to install 3.9 with virtualenv but it doesn't work. : (

I'm using Termux and tried the other Python from the Google Play Store. : (


Qualcomm org

From this error message, it looks like the python version is still 3.11. To create a virtual environment with 3.9, you need to run the following command:

virtualenv -p python3.9 qai_hub_models_env

Activate this environment and then try the installation again. Let me know if this works for you.

I am having the same issue. I tried with python 3.8 and python 3.9 but none works! Any news?

Qualcomm org

Can you post on our GitHub with more information about your setup and exact steps for us to repro the issue? Once we report, we should be able to help out with fixing it soon.

I am considering to integrate for android app.
But I am having difficulty coding tokenizer and scheduler in c++.
If you have any guide or sample source, please share.

Qualcomm org

There is code in our open source repo in and that will help understand how to an end-to-end example works for the model. You can use that as a starting point to write your android app. At the moment, we don't have any other sample app specifically for stable diffusion available!

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