I noticed some code examples you left and it's giving some errors in my environment and I'm wondering if it's OK? Thanks for your help!

by magiccen - opened

It comes up with a keyerror

hi @magiccen thanks for reaching out! long-t5 is a relatively new model, I'm thinking this might be a version issue?

can you try running the below?

import transformers

if it's not 4.23 or higher, try pip install -U transformers and then re-running the above code - let me know if that helps!

I am using transformers==4.24.0,I have raised a related issue on their github, whenever I try to read models with longt5 tags I get the above issue, I tried to downgrade to4.23.0to read such models and it works! Thanks for your help!

Awesome - thanks for raising the issue on the transformers repo and reporting back! Wasn't aware of that issue.

pszemraj changed discussion status to closed

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