🚩 Report

by Temp69 - opened

Does not work with diffusers anymore and every folder is deleted off of it. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Like why in the F would you not create a separate branch for v4? You add such breaking changes to main branch for what?

We have now Diffusers.

This update is much better than previous model.

@Temp69 let's not use insulting language here in the future. Note that the author worked hard to open-source such a powerful model for the community and this for free. We should be thankful for every effort that helps the open-source community especially in times when big tech close sources everything. It's absolutely not ok to use the "Report" feature for such statements.

The reason the model didn't work with diffusers had nothing to do with the original checkpoint, but because the conversion space didn't/doesn't work correctly https://huggingface.co/spaces/diffusers/sd-to-diffusers/discussions/6

Hope you understand! Closing this issue now as part of the Hugging Face Staff.

patrickvonplaten changed discussion status to closed

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