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Paulo Mota


AI & ML interests

Graduated in Bsc of Information Systems, good experience as Backend Developer using python I have developed API REST ( Fast API, Flask), Microservices ( Python scripts and web data extraction bots). Nowadays I work as Data Scientist where I have been working with Web Data Extraction( Selenium, BeautifulSoap, and Scrapy), Machine Learning models focused in NLP( Natural Language Processing) BERT, and Word2Vec, Data Cleaning using Regular Expressions, Lambda Expressions, and Pandas, Data Analytics using Matplotlib and Tableau for creating live dashboard and beautiful visualizations. I'm able to use the Google Cloud, AWS, or any VPS platform to manage Virtual Machines, Databases( MySQL, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, etc) and deploy from APIs, Microservices, and ML Models.


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phmota's activity

liked a space about 1 year ago