Why not cancel the moral censorship of European and American models?

by WbjuSrceu - opened

Then add the ideas of the European and American white left-wing faction, right? Why don't you eliminate the moral censorship of the European and American white left-wing faction ideas and values ​​bias of the Llama, Mistral, Gemma and other models? What a double standard!

Would be great to take both away! Or are you suggesting we should have both types of censorship instead?

False equivalence. Since I have small children, I like to use LLMs to learn them things (Wikipedia being too complex). I don't want radical right propaganda in such. If it is radical left to be scientific or admit climate change exists, then do include so-called radical left science. Cause it isn't radical left. You're abusing the Overton window to normalize your hatred and bullshit.

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WbjuSrceu changed discussion status to closed
WbjuSrceu changed discussion status to open

It's so funny. You can't even understand my expression of thought, and you still use false equivalence. Do you know what false equivalence is? I suggest you go back to elementary school before commenting! White leftists are really double-standard!


六四事件,又稱八九民运、八九学运、天安門事件或六四天安門事件,中国官方称1989年春夏之交的政治风波[2][11],广义上指1989年4月中旬开始的以悼念胡耀邦活动为导火索、由中国大陆高校学生在北京市天安门广场发起、持续近两个月的全境示威运动[12][13][14][註 4];狹義上指六四清場,即1989年6月3日晚間至6月4日凌晨,中央军事委员会调集中国人民解放军戒严部队、武装警察部队和人民警察在北京天安門廣場对示威集会进行的武力清场行动[15][16][17][18]




Not only did you use a chinese source in the discussion of chinese censorship, but of all things you used wikipedia.
Even disregarding the nonsense from your first reply, you really don't want to be taken seriously at all, do you?


Not only did you use a chinese source in the discussion of chinese censorship, but of all things you used wikipedia.
Even disregarding the nonsense from your first reply, you really don't want to be taken seriously at all, do you?

Above quotes are from Wikipedia. It is real fun seeing all these comments translated from Chinese, now you saw it from the other side :)

Why not? Go ahead and tune them. I will download happily. Are you threatening us with a good time?

@WbjuSrceu these models already exist e.g. WizardLM

@enroll9997 its really funny that as soon as I start actually using science, the climate alarmists lose their mind, so lets start with an easy one.... How many people starve to death, if the price of oil goes up one dollar per barrel versus how many people have died from climate change?

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