
Lyrics: Boosting Fine-grained Language-Vision Alignment and Comprehension via Semantic-aware Visual Objects

Published on Dec 8, 2023


Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive zero-shot capabilities in various vision-language dialogue scenarios. However, the absence of fine-grained visual object detection hinders the model from understanding the details of images, leading to irreparable visual hallucinations and factual errors. In this paper, we propose Lyrics, a novel multi-modal pre-training and instruction fine-tuning paradigm that bootstraps vision-language alignment from fine-grained cross-modal collaboration. Building on the foundation of BLIP-2, Lyrics infuses local visual features extracted from a visual refiner that includes image tagging, object detection and semantic segmentation modules into the Querying Transformer, while on the text side, the language inputs equip the boundary boxes and tags derived from the visual refiner. We further introduce a two-stage training scheme, in which the pre-training stage bridges the modality gap through explicit and comprehensive vision-language alignment targets. During the instruction fine-tuning stage, we introduce semantic-aware visual feature extraction, a crucial method that enables the model to extract informative features from concrete visual objects. Our approach achieves strong performance on 13 held-out datasets across various vision-language tasks, and demonstrates promising multi-modal understanding and detailed depiction capabilities in real dialogue scenarios.


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