Which File Shall I Download from The Files and Versions

by BenjaminChu - opened

I have been using ggml since the Large-v2 release. Now, I want to try the original Large-v3 and try to fine-tune the model on my own. However, Github and HF are blocked in my country (It is not hard to guess which totalitarian country is ). I have to mannually download the file via VPN, but there are many large files in the Files and Versions. So, I wonder which files are necessary.

Very sorry to ask that, as I know few about coding.

You can use a proxy, but I am not sure otherwise, pinging @Wauplin for better ideas

Thanks @ArthurZ for the ping. It is indeed possible to use a proxy when using a Python library by calling configure_http_backend at the beginning of the script.

@BenjaminChu To come back to the original question "which files should I download?", which library do you plan to use to fine-tune the model? Weights are in different formats depending on how you plan to consume them. I am really not an expert here but @sanchit-gandhi should definitely be able to guide you!

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