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Model Card for omarmomen/sf_ip_babylm_1

This model is part of the experiments in my master's thesis titled "Linguistic Structure Induction from Language Models" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.09714).

"omarmomen/sf_ip_babylm_1" is the StructFormer (SF_m=4) referred to in Chapter 5 (p. 59); it is an in-between parser variant with the parser network positioned after 4 transformer blocks.

The model is trained on the BabyLM 10M dataset, with a RobertaTokenizer pretrained on the BabyLM 10M dataset with 16K tokens (https://huggingface.co/omarmomen/babylm_bpe_tokenizer_16k).


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Dataset used to train omarmomen/sf_ip_babylm_1