Which folder to put the ckpt file?

by Metrix-01 - opened

Hi, thanks for making this!

I've been experimenting with using embeddings by downloading .pt files from huggingface, dropping them in my embeddings folder, and then calling them in the prompt.

But I'm not seeing any .pt files in your set here? I'm guessing I do something with the ckpt file instead, but not sure where to put it?

I'm googling and asking chatgpt, but not getting any clear direct onboarding tutorials on how to use huggingface downloads, so maybe this question is off the mark. Basically, how do I actually use this model in Stable Diffusion?

Or can you please point me to any beginner onboarding guides? (Again, not easily coming up in search)

Thanks in advance, much appreciated.


Figured it out! Move ckpt file to stable-diffusion-webui-master\models\Stable-diffusion
Then select it from the dropdown at the top of the stable diffusion web ui in browser.

Works like a charm! Thanks for the cool experiment.

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