Can I retrain this ckpt with my photos?

by mateoheras77 - opened

My idea is to train this ckpt with photos of my friends and mine to be able to have this style of photos but with our faces.

mateoheras77 changed discussion title from Can I retrain this ckpy with my photos? to Can I retrain this ckpt with my photos?

you can use img2img with one of your pics and a prompt like "modern disney style, young girl, long blond hair" or similar depending on your subject (my prompt being for a blond girl ;) You have to play aorund a lot with denoising strength and CFG scale, you need a good resolution input picture, adjust the output to the correct aspect ratio and find a good seed, many seeds produce crap, always depending on the img

People always look like the are surprised though, you need to edit the eyebrows afterwards

You will have more luck training a model on you and your friend from 1.5 and merging with this one. Both will loose a little in quality but you will have a correct result. Retraining from this one could be done too (from the diffusers would be better since the ckpt is pruned) but you may loose the mo-di style before both your faces are learned

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