Missing info

by Green-Sky - opened

Hey, thanks for using the new better quants on this model AND providing the imat :)
You however dont say how the imat was generated, on which dataset/how many chunks etc.
Also it would be nice to know if you used q8_0 or full f16 for that process.

also, there where very recently added more iquants that would be very interesting to me, i am specifically looking at replacing q3_k_m with iq3_m.

(pic from a recent pr adding even more iq2 variants)

I'm currently in the process to re-add some more quants to existing repos, but my pipeline is very deep so it can take a long time (1-2 weeks). All my recent quants already have iq3_s/m, most of which are in the process of being uploaded.

The imatrix for all models not otherwise stated was made using 164k semi-random english-only tokens, from a non-public data set, usually from an Q8 quant.

mradermacher changed discussion status to closed

Thanks for clarifying :)

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