Token generation limit?

by fab4ml - opened

Hi, token generation stops after a few paragraphs (less than 20 sentences for the prompt below), regardless of the value of max_tokens. I am wondering if this is the expected behavior?

from mlx_lm import load, generate
model, tokenizer = load("../Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-hf-4bit-mlx")
response = generate(model, tokenizer, prompt="what is a star", verbose=True, max_tokens=999999999999999999)

Stepping through the code of the generate function in mlx_lm/, generation appears to be stopping because the generated token is equal to eos_token_id.

for token, _ in zip(generate_step(prompt, model, temp), range(max_tokens)):
    if token == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
MLX Community org

That's the expected behavior. The Instruct model was trained to interact in a conversational manner and will stop at the end of a sentence (EOS). If you just want to generate text as an autocomplete feature, you can try the base model.

Got it, thank you

fab4ml changed discussion status to closed

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