Can't download

by jackboot - opened

I use a download manager to grab these large files as my internet can be flaky. When I try to d/l this one it asks for a username and password and the hugging face creds don't work. An interruption to my service means I have to start downloading the ~40gb again. Guess no 1.5 for me.

Sorry to hear that man! There's some info here if you want to try:

Specifically, Python code:

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

snapshot_download(repo_id="google/fleurs", repo_type="dataset")
migtissera changed discussion status to closed

I tried and when it times out, it starts over rather than resume.

I can put this up as a torrent, but no clue how to do it.

Can you just take off the gate?

No man, I want to know the users!

I get ya. I ended up d/l it from the bloke so it's all good.

I had no idea he’s quantized it.. well that’s no good for my user collection, lol.. okay well opening up the models now.

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