Showing zero downloads

by migtissera - opened

@clefourrier Not sure how to tag the HuggingFace team here, so tagging you instead. [Please educate us on how to tag your team in individual repos].

This repo has seen many downloads as seen by the activity here in discussions but also on Reddit. But it's showing zero downloads. Are you able to look in to this?


Hi! That would be a question for people from the Hub team I suppose?
@coyotte508 maybe?

Hi @coyotte508 -- Could you please investigate this?

Thank you!

Hi @migtissera

The issue comes from the fact that it's three models in one. We use mostly the top-level config.json to count downloads, and it's not present here (there are three ./config.json files instead)

A more appropriate structure for storing on HF would be three models - a space - and a collection to group them all.

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