I cannot over pass this error

by vividsd - opened

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 3>()
1 from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech
----> 3 processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")
4 model = SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")

3 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/utils/import_utils.py in requires_backends(obj, backends)
1245 failed = [msg.format(name) for available, msg in checks if not available()]
1246 if failed:
-> 1247 raise ImportError("".join(failed))

SpeechT5Tokenizer requires the SentencePiece library but it was not found in your environment. Checkout the instructions on the
installation page of its repo: https://github.com/google/sentencepiece#installation and follow the ones
that match your environment. Please note that you may need to restart your runtime after installation.

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