Fix modeling code (typos/bugs)

by Xenova HF staff - opened

Two changes:

  • Fix Florence2Seq2SeqLMOutput
  • Only set attention_mask device if inputs_embeds is not None
Microsoft org

hi @Xenova in which case will inputs_embeds be None, no input_ids and pixel_values, so input is decoder_input_ids?

This occurs when encoder_outputs is already specified, meaning we don't need to prepare input_embeds again.

As seen here, you only use inputs_embeds in the LM forward method when encoder_outputs is None

when will this get merged ??
is there a ready to use fork ??

i keep getting
TypeError: Florence2Seq2SeqLMOutput.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loss'
when i try to finetune

Microsoft org

hi @leoxiaobin , please merge this pr

leoxiaobin changed pull request status to merged

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