deprecation warning??

by ctranslate2-4you - opened

Can you clarify if this is a remnant or if you in-fact intend to remove ctranslate2 as an "engine" in the future, and if so, do you have an idea when?

Before I spend an inordinate amount of time revising my scripts to use ctranslate2 for my RAG application...did you find out that it's not actually faster and/or higher quality than the other options out there? Just curious because as far as I know ct2 is still superior in a lot of ways. Anyways, here's your source code that prompted my question:

"deprecated: ct2 inference is deprecated and will be removed in the future."

Hey - would you mind opening that in Github as Issue?

I am considering to keep it - if it remains low maintainance.

  • Currently, Ctranslate2 only delivers 1/4 of performance of my optimizations in torch. this is on my rtx 3060 laptop with cuda


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HTML transferred:       20779750 bytes
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  98%   6863
  99%   6863
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michaelfeil changed discussion status to closed

@ctranslate2-4you If you want, you can remove the deprecation warning from infinity via Pull request - I'll approve it. always looking for contributors getting familiar with the repo

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