Any way to make it work with SD v1 properly?

by alexds9 - opened

Any way to make it work with SD v1 properly?

No. SDXL-VAE was retrained from scratch, and it's not compatible with SD-VAE:

SDXL-VAE Encoder β†’ SDXL-VAE Decoder: Happy dog

SD-VAE Encoder β†’ SD-VAE Decoder: Happy dog

SDXL-VAE Encoder β†’ SD-VAE Decoder: Sad dog

SD-VAE Encoder β†’ SDXL-VAE Decoder: Angry dog

The SD-VAE internal activations explode slower than the SDXL-VAE, so you can often run SD-VAE in fp16 without NaNs as-is:


Still, to make SD-VAE work 100%-reliably in fp16, you'd need a sd-vae-fp16-fix - which I don't think anyone has made.

No. SDXL-VAE was retrained from scratch, and it's not compatible with SD-VAE:

SDXL-VAE Encoder β†’ SDXL-VAE Decoder: Happy dog

SD-VAE Encoder β†’ SD-VAE Decoder: Happy dog

SDXL-VAE Encoder β†’ SD-VAE Decoder: Sad dog

SD-VAE Encoder β†’ SDXL-VAE Decoder: Angry dog

The SD-VAE internal activations explode slower than the SDXL-VAE, so you can often run SD-VAE in fp16 without NaNs as-is:


Still, to make SD-VAE work 100%-reliably in fp16, you'd need a sd-vae-fp16-fix - which I don't think anyone has made.

thank u for great work~
what tool did u use for showing internal activations?
it is very cool~

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